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Male, 37 years, born on 21 April 1987

Novopolotsk, I want to relocate (Other regions, Kyiv, Minsk, Odessa, Ukraine), prepared for business trips

Projects manager

800 $ in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 18 years 3 months

April 2014currently
11 years
Joint Operations Forces


Government Organizations... Show more

Analyst (intelligence)
Formation and management of the projects. Planning and Direction of the missions Development and implementation of strategies, including: - Analysis of environment - Monitoring the effectiveness of the activities - Processing and explotation strategies Dissemenation and integration
June 2011February 2013
1 year 9 months
Sole proprietorship Pavlycheva N.V.

Ivanovo (Ivanovo Oblast)

Public Services... Show more

Chief Development officer
Responsibilities: Building a streamlined chain of services and products. Create a range of cafes, restaurants and bars in the Ivanovo region. Creating a network of saunas, a mini-hotels and other places of entertainment. The interaction with investors, local authorities and suppliers. Design and engineering of all the above institutions. Selection and training of personnel. quality control network management Achievements: Multiservice network has grown the business, having $ 100 at launch, one million of 2.5 months Creating a whole galaxy of brand and design projects Design project of a cafe "Hotpoint" took second place in the prestigious international design competition, marketing and PR in Moscow
November 2010May 2011
7 months
JSFC "B-zOne"


Power Industry... Show more

Chief Executive Officer
Responsibilities: Establishment and implementation of innovative and investment projects of regional sales from scratch. Development and implementation of technology and technical plans, as well as plans for sales. Forming a team. Management organizational structure. Development and implementation of marketing activities. Active search and attracting new customers, building sales channels. Formation of motivation. Working with the competitive bidding process. Check out the fulfillment of contractual obligations. Formation and management of the project budget. Sales Analysis and Reporting. Achievements: built to work with key companies: Belarusian Chygunka, Mozyr Oil Refinery, "Naftan", "Polymir", "Lukoil." Created the largest in Eastern Europe plant for the production of biofuels has been developed and incentives for projects.
May 2008April 2010
2 years
"Investment and Leasing Company" Dynasty " Inc.


Multiprofile Asset Management... Show more

Chief Business Officer
Working with regular and potential customers. Creating a marketing department "from scratch". Develop and implement a marketing strategy, including: - Analysis of competitive environment (analysis of market research to study the demand for products); - Define the target audience, positioning (put into the markets of Eastern Europe, the three brands); - Select the product line; - Monitoring the effectiveness of advertising and PR-activities; Recruitment and Training Maintaining and developing the client base by region (Belarus, Lithuania, Russia), basically a cold search, contracting, Search for investors and investment support Maintain documentation, reporting to regulatory agencies. The control of accounts receivable and the availability of goods from the customer. The development of the retail network "from scratch". Participation in exhibitions, conferences, seminars, trips to Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltics region
July 2007August 2008
1 year 2 months
Sole proprietorship


Electronics, Tool Engineering, Household Appliances, Computers and Office Equipment... Show more

Founder/ owner
Wholesale Big PBTs and certain electronics. Working with regular and potential customers. Development of customer base: the search for new customers, including "cold sales" on the phone, find reliable suppliers and carriers. Maintaining and developing the client base by region (Belarus, Lithuania, Russia), basically a cold search, contracting, The search for new customers: system integrators, network retail, wholesale, large regional networks, etc. Market research to study the demand for products, Maintain documentation, reporting to regulatory agencies, The control of accounts receivable and the availability of goods from the customer. Participation in exhibitions, conferences, seminars, trips to Russia, Belarus and Lithuania.
September 2005July 2007
1 year 11 months
MUETB "Plodoovoschtorg" Inc.


Hotels, Restaurants, Food Service Industry, Catering... Show more

Head of the ACS, director of development
Responsibilities: Create and implement an innovative project to reconstruct the trading network of the '80s to today's global retail formats Development and implementation of technology and technical plans, as well as plans for sales. Forming a team. Management organizational structure. Development and implementation of marketing activities. Formation of motivation. Formation and management of the project budget. Sales Analysis and Reporting. Achievements: Produced the "reset" and redesign the whole business struktry Introduced all the latest automation technology, accounting and control system has been developed motivation for the projects.
June 2005August 2005
3 months
Societatea Internationala a Drepturilor Omului SIDO-SRM

Moldova, www.drepturileomului.md

Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more

Responsibilities: Participation in the work on grants, projects and creation of new projects Development and implementation of technology and technical plans and network infrastructure Forming a team. Management organizational structure. Development and implementation of activities. Formation of motivation. Formation and management of the project budget. Project Analysis and Reporting.


Skill proficiency levels
Управление проектами
Организаторские навыки
Adobe Photoshop
Оптимизация бизнес-процессов
Управление персоналом
Ведение переговоров
Заключение договоров
Управление рисками
Управленческие навыки
Деловая коммуникация
Активные продажи
Business Planning
Бережливое производство
Agile Project Management

About me

Participation in decision-making in the company.   • Conduct market research.   • Formation of assortment policy, pricing.   • Have experience building marketing department from scratch.   • Have experience building retail   • Creation and support of investment projects   • The user packets MS CRM Dynamics, 1C   • PC and Mac user: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project Pro, Visio, PhotoShop, CA ErWin (BPWin) DM, Project Expert, etc


Higher education

Polotsk State University
Faculty of Finance and Economics, Economics and Company Management
Engineering and Technology Faculty, Chemical Technology of Natural Fuels and Carbon Materials
Polotsk State Technical College
Economics and Law, Entrepreneur



BelarusianC2 — Proficiency

EnglishC1 — Advanced

GermanA2 — Elementary

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Universität Hamburg
Universität Hamburg, Investment Analysis and Corporate Finance; Economic Analysis; Political Economy; Business Administration; Law
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
OCW Sloan School of Management, Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Tests, examinations

Crisis management
Moscow Business School

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Belarus

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter